Monday, February 16, 2009

the promise to come.

Just the idea of moving into a new apartment sans roommates unleashed a flood of ideas; new furniture lends to making pillows and throws, and not to mention all the painting, sanding, white-washing, and constructing that I would love to do. A hands-on attitude that was sorely needed amidst the turmoil of my current living situation. There were no creative juices flowing, just a dried up river basin of things that never were. It's funny how living too long in a bad situation can cause you to just give up on so many things, I'm not just talking about crafting.

Where's my serenity? On an avenue called Grove. Of course, watching too much HGTV will also do the trick.
Hopefully this will be the beginning of a year full of making, knitting, sewing, and painting. I feel like I accomplished at least a few of the many things to come this weekend.

I ended up buying a table lamp on clearance at Target (i love you) for $5. Yes, it was the most hideous shade of pastel pink ever, but was so cheap. I went straight to Walmart (i hate you) and purchased a can of hammered spray paint in dark bronze. In a matter of about 30min, with time to dry b/t coats, I had a pretty snazzed up table lamp. I just have to find the right lampshade, and in 20 days it will be sitting in a new living room and maybe even get its own photo op.

The next project was to turn floral placemats (also Target) -->
into serving trays. The idea was spurred by The Big Ass Book of Crafts; trays made out of plywood, plexiglass, and cabinet hardware.

Although I definitely have nice pictures that I would love to put under some plastic and make into trays, I couldn't pass up the placemats. So a trip to Lowes and $10 later, I had a serving tray for myself and a friend. I ended up using washers with the screws b/c I didn't want to ruin the cork on the underside, and added little rubber bumpers on the bottom to raise it up so the screws wouldn't scratch any table surfaces. Here's the final result, I absolutely love these! And I hope my friend does too.
I hope these are just a few things to wet my appetite until more crafting happens.

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